June 15, 2022
Sharon Samber, HIAS.org
Finding financial independence is an essential element of rebuilding refugees’ lives. The opportunity for a refugee to build skills, earn a living, and invest in their communities is life-changing. This World Refugee Day, June 20, HIAS is focusing on the economic contributions that refugees can make if given the chance.
HIAS’ economic inclusion programs help refugees find their financial footing, giving them new opportunities and a new life. These pioneering programs are market-oriented and concentrate on economic empowerment of all refugees, including LGBTQ individuals, young women, and survivors of gender-based violence. HIAS helps with skills training and working with employers to help train refugees for new careers. When refugees achieve financial stability and independence, they can restart their lives and contribute to local economies and communities.
Economic self-sufficiency is a basic goal for millions of people around the world. Help HIAS help others to meet that goal.
For more information, visit HIAS’ Economic Inclusion page.
Originally published at https://www.hias.org.